Eclectic Blooms,  Kira Bibbs

Welcome! I am Kira…an enthusiastic, self- taught florist with a love for people and having a good time. I LIVE for a memorable get together, can turn anything into a reason to celebrate and believe in experiences over material things. I am always dancing to music- whether it's aloud or in my head (shout out to Sonos & my Spotify playlist), candles are a must and it's never too early for a cocktail! I'm crazy about my husband- who provides just the right amount of realism when I’m being “extra.” He helps me out from time to time with a number of things and takes care of the behind the scenes business stuff so I can continue creating amazing ish!

I am a different kind of florist- and I like to do my own thing rather than follow the traditional styles…I’m not afraid to try new things and I live by the saying “All they can do is say no”.

I see floral arranging as an me Ki-casso (Get it?Kira, Picasso? Art? Did I mention my love for corny jokes? Ok, I digress) There are so many colors and textures that come together to paint your floral vision. There is inspiration EVERYWHERE such as your favorite bar, an Instagram photo or fabric from your favorite shirt.

Each event has its own vibe and my passion is to make yours shine through flowers. Let's create some magic!

2024 Design photographed by Lissa Ryan